Contact Us



We would like to hear from you!


At The Helder’s we strive to offer our clients a professional, fully personalized service by providing you with everything you need and preparing you every step of the way from location, portrait style and what to wear, to framing and hanging your portrait. Our clients choose us for our experience, photographic expertise, and the excellent quality that we offer, and that’s what we give them.


It is our goal to only give you the best photography and print services. That’s why we offer our guidance throughout the process, from inquiry to delivering beautiful art.


Thank you for your interest in The Helders Photography! These pages are filled with information that will help guide you through the portrait process, which is a truly enjoyable journey for you and your family! Commissioning a custom designed portrait is one of the best ways to celebrate the love of family!

My vision is to create an amazing experience for your family and design a portrait that will not only be a part of your home décor, but a treasured memory.

There is no “perfect” time to have a portrait created. You will never regret having a family portrait done~ but someday you may regret not having one.

Phone: 530-743-6539
I’ll get back to you as soon as possible during business hours.
Everything we do at The Helders is completely customized to each client. A phone conversation typically works best to answer all of your questions and help us understand what you are looking for. We will be in touch soon!
Address: 527 6th Street, Marysville, CA 95901
Business Hours for contacting The Helders for returning calls, emails and messages are Tuesday through Friday 10AM-5PM. If you leave a voicemail you can expect that it will be returned within 24 hours Tuesday through Friday.



Vanessa Helder, Cr.Photog.

527 6th Street Marysville CA 95901


The Helders Photography will never share or sell personal information with anyone.  Information submitted to us is only used for purposes of contacting you based on your request.

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